
Cestrum Orange Peel: Benefits and Uses

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ Overview

If you are looking for a stunning ornamental plant to add to your garden, Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is an excellent choice. This plant is a hybrid derived from Cestrum diurnum and Cestrum nocturnum, and it is known for its beautiful orange blossoms. In this section, we will provide you with an overview of Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ and its characteristics.


Cestrum is a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family, Solanaceae. This genus includes approximately 175 species of shrubs and small trees that are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is a hybrid of two species within this genus.


Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is a shrub that can grow up to 6-8 feet tall and wide. It has dark green leaves that are oval-shaped and pointed at the tips. The plant produces clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers that are bright orange in color and have a sweet fragrance. The flowers bloom in the summer and fall and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Orange Peel Cestrum

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is also known as orange peel cestrum or orange peel jessamine. The plant gets its name from the bright orange color of its flowers, which resemble orange peels. This plant is an excellent choice for adding color and fragrance to your garden, and it can be grown in containers or as a hedge.


Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is primarily grown as an ornamental plant, but it also has some medicinal uses. The plant has been used in traditional medicine to treat fever, cough, and other respiratory ailments. However, it is essential to note that the plant can be toxic if ingested, and it should be handled with care.

In summary, Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is a beautiful ornamental plant that is easy to grow and care for. It produces stunning orange flowers that bloom in the summer and fall and has a sweet fragrance that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Whether you are looking to add color and fragrance to your garden or want to enjoy the plant’s medicinal benefits, Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ is an excellent choice.

Cultivation and Care

Cestrum Orange Peel is a hardy plant that is easy to grow and maintain. Here are some tips to help you cultivate and care for your Cestrum Orange Peel:


Cestrum Orange Peel thrives in full sun to partial shade. It prefers well-drained soil, so make sure the soil is not waterlogged. If you are planting in a container, make sure it has drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating.


Cestrum Orange Peel requires moderate watering. Water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.


Cestrum Orange Peel does not require a lot of fertilizer. You can fertilize the plant once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.


Cestrum Orange Peel is a low maintenance plant. You can prune the plant to maintain its shape and size. Pruning can be done in the spring after the plant has finished flowering.


Cestrum Orange Peel can be grown in containers. Make sure the container is large enough to accommodate the plant’s root system. Use a well-draining potting mix and make sure the container has drainage holes.


Cestrum Orange Peel can be espaliered against a wall or fence. This is a great way to save space and add visual interest to your garden. Espaliering can be done in the spring after the plant has finished flowering.

Overall, Cestrum Orange Peel is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant that will add color and fragrance to your garden. With the right care, your plant will thrive and provide years of enjoyment.

Growth and Characteristics

Cestrum orange peel is a type of shrub that is known for its beautiful orange blooms and fragrant scent. This deciduous shrub is native to South America and can grow up to 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide. It is a dieback perennial, which means that it loses its leaves in the winter and grows back in the spring.

The cestrum orange peel has woody stems that are covered in smooth bark. The leaves are evergreen and glossy, with a dark green color. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and grow in clusters at the ends of the branches. They are orange in color and have a sweet, citrusy scent that is especially strong at night.

This perennial shrub prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. It is drought-tolerant and can survive in a range of soil types. The cestrum orange peel is a fast-growing plant and can be propagated through stem cuttings or seeds.

One of the characteristics of cestrum orange peel is that it attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. It is also known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. However, it is important to note that the plant is toxic and should not be ingested.

Overall, the cestrum orange peel is a beautiful and hardy plant that can add color and fragrance to any garden. Its evergreen leaves and orange blooms make it an attractive choice for landscaping, and its tolerance to drought and various soil types make it a low-maintenance option for gardeners.

Blooming Details

Cestrum Orange Peel is a beautiful ornamental plant that produces showy and fragrant flowers. The tubular blooms of this plant are a sight to behold and add a touch of elegance to any garden.

The blooming time of Cestrum Orange Peel can vary depending on the climate and growing conditions. In general, this plant blooms from late spring to early fall. During this time, you can expect to see an abundance of fragrant flowers that will attract bees and butterflies to your garden.

The flowers of Cestrum Orange Peel are unique in that they are tubular in shape. This design makes them perfect for attracting pollinators with long tongues, such as hummingbirds and moths. The tubular shape also allows for easy access to the nectar inside the flower.

One of the most notable characteristics of Cestrum Orange Peel is its fragrant flowers. The sweet and spicy scent of the blooms is sure to fill your garden with a pleasant aroma. The fragrance is especially strong at night, making this plant a great addition to a moon garden.

Cestrum Orange Peel produces showy flowers that are sure to catch the eye of anyone passing by. The bright orange color of the blooms stands out against the dark green foliage of the plant. The flowers are also quite large, measuring up to 2 inches in length.

In conclusion, Cestrum Orange Peel is a beautiful and fragrant plant that produces tubular, showy, and fragrant flowers. The blooms are perfect for attracting pollinators and adding a touch of elegance to any garden.

Seasonal Information

Cestrum Orange Peel is a plant that is known for its beautiful and fragrant flowers. If you are planning to grow this plant, it is important to know about its seasonal requirements. Here is some information about the different seasons and how they affect the growth of Cestrum Orange Peel.

Spring and Summer

Spring and summer are the best seasons for the growth of Cestrum Orange Peel. During these seasons, the plant requires regular watering and fertilization. You should water the plant deeply once a week, and fertilize it every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer. The plant will also benefit from regular pruning during this time to promote healthy growth.


Fall is a transitional season for Cestrum Orange Peel. As the days get shorter and the temperatures start to drop, the plant will begin to slow down its growth. During this time, you should reduce the amount of watering and fertilization. You should also stop pruning the plant to allow it to enter into dormancy.


Winter is a challenging season for Cestrum Orange Peel. The plant is not cold hardy and is sensitive to frost. If you live in an area with cold winters, you should take steps to protect the plant from the cold. You can cover the plant with a frost cloth or move it indoors to a warm and sunny location.

First Frost

The first frost is a critical time for Cestrum Orange Peel. If the plant is exposed to frost, it can suffer from frost damage and die back. To protect the plant, you should cover it with a frost cloth or move it indoors before the first frost.

In conclusion, understanding the seasonal requirements of Cestrum Orange Peel is important for its growth and survival. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your plant thrives and produces beautiful flowers throughout the year.

Attracting Wildlife

Cestrum Orange Peel is a beautiful and fragrant shrub that can attract a variety of wildlife to your garden. The plant produces clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers that are attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. These pollinators are essential for the health of your garden, and attracting them to your yard can help to increase the yield of your fruits and vegetables.

Hummingbirds are particularly attracted to the bright orange flowers of the Cestrum Orange Peel. These birds are known for their ability to hover in mid-air and feed on nectar from flowers. By planting Cestrum Orange Peel in your garden, you can provide a source of nectar for these beautiful birds. Hummingbirds are also attracted to the color red, so consider planting other red flowers in your garden to further attract them.

Butterflies are also attracted to the nectar produced by the Cestrum Orange Peel. These beautiful insects are important pollinators and can help to increase the yield of your garden. Consider planting other butterfly-friendly plants in your garden, such as milkweed or butterfly bush, to further attract these insects.

Bees are also important pollinators and can be attracted to the nectar produced by the Cestrum Orange Peel. Bees are particularly attracted to the color blue, so consider planting other blue flowers in your garden to further attract them. Bees are essential for the health of your garden, and attracting them to your yard can help to increase the yield of your fruits and vegetables.

In summary, planting Cestrum Orange Peel in your garden can attract a variety of wildlife, including hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. These pollinators are essential for the health of your garden and can help to increase the yield of your fruits and vegetables. Consider planting other wildlife-friendly plants in your garden to further attract these important insects and birds.

Resistance Properties

Cestrum Orange Peel is a plant species that possesses several resistance properties. These properties make it an ideal choice for gardeners who want to grow plants that can withstand harsh weather conditions and pests.

One of the most notable resistance properties of Cestrum Orange Peel is its frost resistance. This plant species can withstand frost and cold temperatures, making it an excellent choice for gardeners who live in regions with harsh winter weather.

Cestrum Orange Peel is also deer-resistant. This means that deer are less likely to eat this plant species compared to other plants in your garden. This resistance property is particularly useful for gardeners who live in areas where deer are common and can cause damage to plants in the garden.

Moreover, Cestrum Orange Peel is resistant to pests, including insects and rodents. This makes it an excellent choice for gardeners who want to grow plants without the use of harmful pesticides.

In summary, Cestrum Orange Peel is a plant species with several resistance properties, including frost resistance, deer-resistance, and pest resistance. These properties make it an ideal choice for gardeners who want to grow plants that can withstand harsh weather conditions and pests without the use of harmful chemicals.

Potential Issues

When using Cestrum Orange Peel, there are several potential issues that you should be aware of. While this plant has many benefits, it is important to understand the risks associated with it.


Cestrum Orange Peel is considered toxic to both humans and animals. The plant contains a number of toxic compounds, including alkaloids, glycosides, and saponins. These compounds can cause a range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death in severe cases.

It is important to keep this plant away from children and pets, and to exercise caution when handling it. If you suspect that you or someone else has ingested Cestrum Orange Peel, seek medical attention immediately.


Cestrum Orange Peel is susceptible to a number of diseases, including leaf spot, powdery mildew, and root rot. These diseases can cause damage to the plant and reduce its overall health and vigor.

To prevent disease, it is important to keep the plant in a well-draining soil and to avoid over-watering. If you notice any signs of disease, such as yellowing leaves or spots on the foliage, take action immediately to prevent the spread of the disease.

Other Issues

In addition to toxicity and disease, there are a few other potential issues to be aware of when using Cestrum Orange Peel. One of the main concerns is that the plant can become invasive in some areas, spreading rapidly and crowding out native species.

To prevent this, it is important to keep the plant under control and to remove any seedlings that may appear. Additionally, some people may be allergic to the plant, so it is important to test for sensitivity before using it.

Overall, while Cestrum Orange Peel has many benefits, it is important to be aware of the potential issues associated with it. By taking the proper precautions and monitoring the plant carefully, you can enjoy its many benefits while avoiding any negative consequences.

Geographical Origins

Cestrum Orange Peel is a hybrid plant derived from Cestrum diurnum and Cestrum Nocturnum. The geographical origin of the parent plants is Central and South America, respectively. Cestrum diurnum is native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America, while Cestrum Nocturnum is native to the West Indies, including Cuba and Jamaica. The hybridization of these two plants occurred in the United States.

Cestrum Orange Peel is a popular ornamental plant in many countries, including the United States, Australia, and Chile. In Chile, it is commonly known as “Jazmín Chileno” or “Chilean Jasmine.” It is not native to Chile, but it is widely cultivated there as an ornamental plant due to its beautiful orange flowers and pleasant fragrance.

Although Cestrum Orange Peel is not native to Chile, it thrives in the country’s Mediterranean climate. The plant prefers well-drained soil and full sun exposure, which are ideal growing conditions in Chile’s central and northern regions. In Chile, Cestrum Orange Peel is often used to decorate gardens, patios, and balconies due to its attractive appearance and sweet fragrance.

In summary, Cestrum Orange Peel is a hybrid plant derived from Cestrum diurnum and Cestrum Nocturnum, with origins in Central and South America. Although it is not native to Chile, it is widely cultivated in the country as an ornamental plant due to its beautiful orange flowers and pleasant fragrance.

Zonal Information

When it comes to growing Cestrum Orange Peel, it’s important to consider its zonal information. This plant is winter hardy in zones 7 and higher, which means it can survive the colder temperatures of these zones. If you live in zones 8 or higher, you can grow Cestrum Orange Peel as an evergreen shrub.

If you live in a colder zone, you can still grow Cestrum Orange Peel, but you’ll need to take extra care to protect it from frost and freezing temperatures. You can do this by covering the plant with a frost cloth or by bringing it indoors during the winter months.

Cestrum Orange Peel prefers well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade. It can tolerate a wide range of soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils. However, it’s important to note that this plant does not like wet feet, so be sure to avoid planting it in areas with poor drainage.

When it comes to pruning, Cestrum Orange Peel can be pruned in the early spring to maintain its shape and promote healthy growth. You can also prune it in the fall after it has finished blooming. This will help to prevent any winter damage and encourage new growth in the spring.

Overall, Cestrum Orange Peel is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant that can add color and fragrance to your garden. By following its zonal information and providing it with the right growing conditions, you can enjoy this plant for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I purchase Cestrum Orange Peel?

Cestrum Orange Peel can be purchased at most nurseries and garden centers. It can also be found online at various plant retailers. Make sure to purchase from a reputable seller to ensure the quality of the plant.

What are the care requirements for Cestrum Orange Peel?

Cestrum Orange Peel thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. It requires regular watering, especially during hot and dry periods. Fertilize every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Prune back in late winter or early spring to promote bushier growth and remove any dead or damaged branches.

Is Cestrum Orange Peel invasive?

Cestrum Orange Peel is not considered invasive in most areas. However, it is important to check with your local extension office or garden center to ensure that it is not invasive in your specific region.

Can Cestrum Orange Peel be propagated and how?

Cestrum Orange Peel can be propagated through stem cuttings or by layering. Take a 6-inch stem cutting in the spring or summer and dip the cut end in rooting hormone before planting in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil moist and the cutting in a warm, bright location until roots develop. Layering involves bending a low-hanging branch to the ground and covering it with soil. Roots will develop where the branch is buried, and the new plant can be separated from the parent plant once established.

What are the uses of Cestrum?

Cestrum Orange Peel is primarily grown as an ornamental plant for its fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers and colorful berries. It can also be used as a hedge or screen plant due to its dense growth habit.

Is Cestrum Orange Peel deer resistant?

Cestrum Orange Peel is not considered deer resistant and may be eaten by deer if they are present in the area. It is recommended to use deer repellent or fencing to protect the plant if deer are a concern.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Where can I purchase Cestrum Orange Peel?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”


Cestrum Orange Peel can be purchased at most nurseries and garden centers. It can also be found online at various plant retailers. Make sure to purchase from a reputable seller to ensure the quality of the plant.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the care requirements for Cestrum Orange Peel?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Cestrum Orange Peel thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. It requires regular watering, especially during hot and dry periods. Fertilize every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Prune back in late winter or early spring to promote bushier growth and remove any dead or damaged branches.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Cestrum Orange Peel invasive?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Cestrum Orange Peel is not considered invasive in most areas. However, it is important to check with your local extension office or garden center to ensure that it is not invasive in your specific region.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can Cestrum Orange Peel be propagated and how?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Cestrum Orange Peel can be propagated through stem cuttings or by layering. Take a 6-inch stem cutting in the spring or summer and dip the cut end in rooting hormone before planting in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil moist and the cutting in a warm, bright location until roots develop. Layering involves bending a low-hanging branch to the ground and covering it with soil. Roots will develop where the branch is buried, and the new plant can be separated from the parent plant once established.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the uses of Cestrum?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Cestrum Orange Peel is primarily grown as an ornamental plant for its fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers and colorful berries. It can also be used as a hedge or screen plant due to its dense growth habit.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Cestrum Orange Peel deer resistant?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Cestrum Orange Peel is not considered deer resistant and may be eaten by deer if they are present in the area. It is recommended to use deer repellent or fencing to protect the plant if deer are a concern.


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